Patient's heart at your fingertips

Any patient can now be kept under full surveillance.

In Hospitals Telemonitoring

A hospital is a huge professional ecosystem, and it takes a large-scale solution to address its day-to-day challenges. Real-time continuous patient monitoring can solve many of the problems doctors and nurses face. With monitoring, caregivers save time checking vital signs, easily access patient vital sign records, avoid false alarms and catch danger signs fast. CardioView let you do all that as efficiently as possible.

The CardioView System is a flexible patient-worn monitoring solution that goes far beyond the capabilities of traditional patient monitors. It enhances care by providing wireless, near-real time monitoring, letting caregivers see any developing problems instantly. Patients can wear it while walking throughout the facility (or even outside it), so monitoring never interferes with their recovery. This innovative, easy-to-use, and multi-purpose monitoring solution offers 3-, 5- and 12-lead diagnostic ECG, heart rate, SpO2, plethysmogram, respiration, SkinTemp, and continuous non-invasive blood pressure*.

Even the most accurate system isn’t useful if clinicians lose signal or can’t see recent information. The CardioView device is a continuous transmitter that uses built-in Wi-Fi and 3G radios for reliable longer-term ambulatory monitoring. Its Early Warning Score (EWS)* feature allows the CardioView device to immediately detect vital changes with high accuracy.

It works on your most high-priority patients. The ECG arrhythmia detection supports nonstop surveillance of cardiac patients regardless of where they stay in the medical facility.

Sometimes a patient doesn’t need to stay in the hospital, but doctors still want to keep an eye on their condition. Wireless technology means an end to staying for days in a medical facility just to be monitored. The CardioView device also embeds 3G for near-real time transmission, so it’s highly suitable for seamless and uninterrupted monitoring of patients from their homes. The CardioView Telemonitoring System offers reliable monitoring between hospitals, nursing homes and the patient's home.

A sensor system needs to meet a high standard in order to transmit reliable information nonstop, without interfering with a patient’s life. Our system features a comfortable sensor that records data with state-of-the-art accuracy. The single-use CasperPatch sensor is used with the CardioView device to measure ECG, skin temperature and respiration. CasperPatch is easy to apply. Its unique patented design eliminates risk for lead-off alerts and cable entanglement. And because each patch is used just once, it prevents any transmission of microorganisms, reducing the risk for Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI).

Imperfect sensor equipment can detect changes in a patient’s vital signs where none actually exist, creating inaccurate data. CasperPatch is highly accurate, avoiding false alarms and alarm fatigue.

Key challenges

There are some aspects of medicine that call for the personal touch—like explaining a treatment, or asking the right questions about a patient’s symptoms. But vital signs monitoring isn’t one of them. Every time a medical professional takes or records vital signs, there’s a risk of error. Statistics show that manual vital signs monitoring isn’t the best way to ensure good care.

  • 24% of vital signs taken manually are not correct or not registered
  • In 77% of adverse events, vital signs were not measured in the preceding period
  • Studies show that 80% of adverse events can be avoided by continuous monitoring

Key advantages

When a patient is experiencing a heart attack, stroke or other adverse event, seconds count. That means even if manual vital signs monitoring is carried out perfectly, some patients who need emergency treatment won’t receive it as promptly as they could. That means worse outcomes and greater need for extreme forms of treatment. CardioView enables early recognition of deteriorating patient condition to prevent treatment delays.

Our system offers a range of advantages:

  • May avoid adverse events and readmissions to the ICU.
  • Built-in Wi-Fi and 3G radio for seamless and flexible ambulatory patient monitoring.
  • CardioView user interface optimized for ease of use on the general floor.
  • Patient monitoring is no longer exclusive to critical care units.
  • Any patient regardless of location can now be kept under full surveillance.
  • Unique sensor to reduce false alarms, avoid HAI’s and increase comfort of patients and their caregivers.

Doctors are experts at providing emergency treatment to patients undergoing a medical crisis—our system lets them make the best use of their skills, acting promptly to save lives.

The future of ward monitoring is Here and Now

Hospital staff and administrators know that you can’t use yesterday’s technology to handle today’s medical problems. Taking vital signs manually is one example. The general floor is evolving: Patients require higher-acuity monitoring, and time constraints on nursing staffs are greater than ever. Taking temperature, blood pressure and other measurements every few hours is a hassle many facilities can’t afford.

Automatic continuous monitoring is the solution. CardioView Telemonitoring systems are an easy-to-use, comprehensive solution for tracking physiologic patient data. The CardioView Telemonitoring System is a next-generation ambulatory monitor that measures data precisely and displays it in an easy-to-read format on any device, letting nurses and doctors identify patients at risk regardless of geography. By calculating an Early Warning Score (EWS)* and providing pictorial clues to the need to respond, it transforms monitoring into a combination of detection and advice. CardioView goes far beyond traditional spot-check and telemetry monitoring to help you enhance care on the general floor.

Better monitoring, faster response

Medical professionals know what to do when a patient has a health crisis, but they can’t use their skills if they don’t know something is wrong. Automatic alerts let staff achieve to their full capacity—so they never miss a chance to save a life.

  • Provides best-in-class, continuous monitoring and analysis, superb ease of use, and innovative Clinical Decision Support.
  • Our customizable alert settings feature lets you automate an existing escalation protocol.
  • Continuous wireless patient monitoring on the general floor.

Fast track your escalation protocol

In the world of healthcare, there’s always a chance that a patient’s condition will become worse. When that happens, medical professionals need to spring into action, evaluating the patient’s condition and giving them the treatment they need in the ICU or surgery. Every medical facility needs a plan for accomplishing this. But just because you have a plan doesn’t mean it’s the right one. Is your staff responding quickly enough to potential emergencies? And are they wasting time on false alarms?

The CardioView Telemonitoring System is designed to eliminate these problems. It perfects your hospital’s escalation protocol system, enabling quicker activation and intervention of the escalation team compared to current practice.

One key to an effective response system in customizing it to your facility’s needs—your layout, staff, and area of specialty. Because the CardioView Telemonitoring System is fully configurable, it lets hospitals standardize calling criteria to meet their specific patient population needs, both inside and outside the hospital.

Another key is consistency—ensuring that readings are always correct and staff respond the same way to a crisis every time. Our system creates consistency, eliminating the errors that can pop up with manual reading. And because it’s automated, it frees up staff to do the most important part of their jobs. Once the escalation team has arrived, the monitor can provide full disclosure ECG and vital signs monitoring, freeing up caregivers to focus on treatment.

The CardioView Telemonitoring System enables multi-patient continuous ECG and vital signs monitoring with full arrhythmia and ST Map monitoring support. It’s compatible with your existing technology—it includes Central Workstations and Android and iOS Smartphone Apps for near real-time monitoring of all patients wearing a CardioView device.

There are many tradeoffs in hospital administration decision-making. This isn’t one of them. Our system provides clear benefits for patients, caregivers and administrators.

Better for the patient:

Improving patient quality of life is the central goal of medicine. Our system helps you do that. It prevents mistakes through immediate and non-stop access to near real-time ECG and vital signs from virtually anywhere. And it automates repetitive tasks, freeing up caregivers to give more individual and timely care.

Better for the clinician:

Doctors and nurses want to give their very best care to every patient, but there are many things standing in their way—like lack of time and big caseloads. The CardioView Telemonitoring System provides continuous ECG and vital sign information for each patient at their fingertips regardless of geography, letting them treat more patients more effectively.

Better for the hospital:

Sometimes better care means higher expenses. But catching an adverse event early is a win-win for hospitals, creating better outcomes with less intensive forms of treatment. The CardioView Telemonitoring System is designed to enhance overall care by avoiding expensive, preventable escalation of care and adverse events.

Telemonitoring of every life, every moment, every day.